You are about to become a parent ‒ whata special time in your life! It’s normal to be nervous, but preparing as much as you can ahead of time can help calm your nerves. Here are some easy steps you can take to help get you ready to welcome home your little one.
Engage Your Baby’s Senses
Your baby’s first sensory stimulation in life comes from touch while in the womb. And at 28 weeks into pregnancy, she begins to smell. Your little one can smell what you smell! Smell is the number onesense linked to memory because its processing centre(olfactory cortex) is located near the emotion center (amygdala) and memory centres (hippocampus and entorhinal cortex), so smell triggers more emotionally vibrant memories than other senses. Because of this, you may want to start using some of JOHNSON’S® baby lotions and oils to moisturise your own skin, so your baby is already familiar with and feels comforted by these scents after she is born.
Take Parenting Classes
Parenting classes can be very helpful for first-time parents. Find out about these classes from the hospital where you plan to have your baby, OB/GYN, midwife, friends and family.
Explore Delivery Options
There are different ways to give birth, like Lamaze and Bradley. Do some research and talk to your OB/GYN or midwife to decide which option is best for you and your baby.
Find a Paediatrician
Start looking for a paediatrician about threemonths before you’re due. Compile a list of candidates:ask for recommendations from friends, relatives, neighbours, coworkers with kids, your obstetrician, midwife or insurance company. If possible, schedule a prenatal consultation about two months before your due date.
Create a Contact List
Create a contact list (text, email, or phone) to have an easy way to keep family and friends informed.
Pack for the Hospital
At least a month before you’re due, pack your suitcase for the hospital. Remember to take along:
Nightgown and slippers
Toiletries, including toothbrush and hairbrush. Don’t forget supplies for dad (perhaps even a change of clothes)
Clothes for your return home: choose comfortable clothes you wore mid-pregnancy or later
Clothes for your baby to wear when coming home: undershirt or one-piece suit, and an outfit with snap closures
Receiving blanket (your local weather will determine if additional blankets are needed)
Maternity pads
Camera/video camera or the charger for your smartphone
Nursing bra and nursing pads for breastfeeding moms
Baby wash for your baby’s first bath in the hospital. We recommend JOHNSON’S®Cotton Touch wash.
Baby Science!
Did you know: 25 to 120 minutes of skin-on-skin contact immediately after birth can positively affect interactions between mom and baby one year later.
Secure Your Baby’s Car Seat
Make sure your baby’s car seat has been installed properly before you go to the hospital. Some hospitals will not allow you to take your baby home without a car seat.
Prepare the Nursery
You and your baby will be spending lots of time in the nursery. A great way to channel your pre-baby excitement is to create a personal space that is perfect for you and your new little one.
More Ways to Prepare for Your Baby
Learning you’re pregnant can be incredibly overwhelming at first. If you want to know how else to prepare for your baby, BabyCenter® provides extra tips, broken down by trimester.
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