Around the three month mark, your baby will start to sleep for longer stretches at night, but it’s important to keep to your nighttime routine, not only so your baby will continue to sleep well, but also because bath time, massage and cuddle time can mean much more.
Sleep rhythms begin to develop at around six weeks and most babies are developmentally capable of regular sleep-wake cycles by three to six months. As your baby begins to understand the difference between night and day, it’s the perfect time to help improve his sleep-time routine.
Teach Your Baby to Soothe Himself
The most important aspect of getting your baby to sleep through the night is to have your baby learn to soothe himself to sleep. Put your baby down to sleep when he is drowsy but awake. Babies need to be able to fall asleep independently, so that they can self-soothe when they wake in the middle of the night.
How much sleep should my baby get?
After three months, babies will sleep 13 to 15 hours a day. It’s important to realise though, that every baby is different and some will need more sleep, while others need less.
How often should my baby nap?
Your baby will also need to nap from two to four times a day. Cutting back on naps won’t help at night - it can be a recipe for overtiredness and a worse night’s sleep - but avoid naps too close to bed.
What to Avoid
Make sure your baby’s night-time routine is not too long or too impractical to stick to. Avoid rocking or feeding your baby to sleep, because you may end up doing the same when your baby naturally wakes up during the night. Put your baby to bed when he is drowsy but still awake, and take turns with your partner in putting your baby to bed.
Changes in Sleep Patterns
Interestingly, your baby’s physical advances can alter sleep patterns. Many developmental milestones, such as rolling over and pulling up to stand, can temporarily upset your baby’s sleep. Don’t be discouraged if your baby, who once slept through the night, temporarily wakes up in the middle of the night. Stick to your routine to help your baby get back to a regular sleep pattern.
JOHNSON’S® 3-Step Routine
Our JOHNSON’S® 3-Step Routine includes bath time and massage, two rituals that are key to your baby’s happy healthy development. When done regularly, these rituals, combined with the cuddles of quiet time, also help your baby know that it’s time for sleep.

Safe and Sound
Your baby may do some things in his sleep that make you nervous, what’s normal? BabyCenter® helps you know what to look out for.
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